Ukeologists on their way…..


Congratulations to the fledgling Ukeologists at last night’s Week #1 of the 4 Week Session in Toronto, at Donald Quan’s beautiful Musideum Studio. We had a great time, and learned so much in a mere 90 minutes! Onwards to Week#2… practice, practice, practice… have a glass of wine … practice… sleep… eat… practice…

Welcome Ukelele fans!

Discover happiness in 4 little strings…….

Friendly, lightweight, portable, inexpensive, easy to learn, and undeniably smile-inducing…..that is the ukulele….an inexplicable, simple joy, right in the palm of your hand.

Learning to play the ukulele will elevate the bliss quotient in your life to giddy levels! More fun than meditation and better for your liver than a jug of martinis.

If you’ve ever thought you might like to try it, join the revolution…..the uke has never been hipper!