Man, I love this part of my career. Yes, I love working on stage, in film and TV, radio, and live gigging with the many gifted musicians I’ve worked with over the years. But teaching was not something I planned on feeling passionate about. Thorough, professional, smart, capable, entertaining, even inspirational……these are all things I would have guaranteed when I started…..but I never expected to feel such passion, joy, devotion and utter gratification. With every student who starts fresh, knowing zero, feeling ‘un-musical’ and ‘un-talented’, who finishes a workshop with a binder full of songs and a huge smile of accomplishment, I feel that same joy that they do.
Here is another proud Beginner Ukeology Class at the end of their 4th week. Much laughter, enormous learning curves, new friends, …..
These are just a few of the tunes we covered:
“Eleanor Rigby” – The Beatles, “Kiss Me”- Sixpence None the Richer, “Like an Eagle” – Mighty Oak, “Big Yellow Taxi” – Joni Mitchell, “I’m a Believer” – The Monkees……and more….