Well…’it’s been a year’, hasn’t it? Here’s hoping that you and yours are faring well in these crazy times. I shocked myself today on discovering I hadn’t posted here since last Christmas! Gosh. I think I’m not alone in finding it difficult to keep track of time these days! Thankfully, I’ve been blessed to have had many private Skype students over these past 2 years to ease the blaring absence of smiling strummers crowded around my dining room table every week. I’ve missed that wholeheartedly, and look to the day when we can sing and play together again.
‘So now it is Christmas….’, sang Mr. Lennon, and again I’m going to say that if you’re hankering to learn a few Xmas tunes, I’m your gal! I’ve got a long illustrious list, from the obscure to the classic, from pop to jazz to corny cheese, as well as a few Hanukah songs. We can do Skype, Zoom or FaceTime, and you don’t even have to get out of your onesies!
AND, as always, if you’re stuck for a gift idea, a brand new ukulele [ooh, lucky, lucky!] and a gift certificate for one or more private Ukeology lessons would make even the Grinchiest loved one SMILE!
**[virtual lessons are for ages 12 and up]
My Special Skype rates are still as follows:
$25 / One 30 min. lesson
$115 / package of Five 30 min. lessons
$40 / One 60 min. lesson
$185 / package of Five 60 min. lessons